The DISC Personality System and The Behavioral Attitudes Index (BAI) together create an unparalleled, insightful analysis focusing on Behavior and Life Passions. Combining both DISC and BAI assessments, this product offers extensive insight into the personality, needs, internal motivators, environmental preferences, and underlying passions that guide an individual’s thinking, communicating and behavior. It is exceptionally suited to help managers use the advantages of the predictive hiring processes and place people in environments that allow them to thrive and excel.

This 2D: DISC + BAI Profile includes: the DISC Personality System – a highly-validated personality profile that identifies a person’s predictable behaviors, environmental and task preferences, primary needs-based motivations, communication styles, how they make decisions, leadership and organizational skills, as well as other additional predictable and observable behaviors.

The Behavioral Attitudes Index (BAI) profiles the underlying passions, motivations, and interests of an individual for a particular environment. A person’s behavioral attitudes are the thoughts and feelings that unwittingly shape every choice that individual makes. The BAI assesses which behavioral attitudes (I-SPEAK) that person is likely to spend their energy on – Inner Awareness/Spiritual, Economic/Tangible, Artistic/Innovative, Power/Political, Social/Humanitarian, and Knowledge/Proficiency. When a person’s behavioral attitudes correspond with the task or environment, that person is naturally inclined to be more motivated and will find more longevity within a position.

Use the DISC and BAI assessments and analysis for Predictive Hiring: Benefit from our research on 300,000+ people to utilize our discoveries regarding what causes some people to be happier and more successful at their job.

Buy 1- 9 for SGD 65.00/ per report
Buy 10-49 for SGD58.50/ per report
Buy 50-200 for SGD 55.25/ per report
For Bulk Purchase, do contact admin@lifeskillsinstitute.sg

See sample report here.