Product Feature: The 4-Dimensions of Personality

LAST UPDATE ON June 28, 2023

The Four Dimensions of Personality Report Includes:

DISC–  This DISC based personality profile defines an individual’s predictable behaviors, their communication styles, preferences for specific environments and tasks, decision making processes, leadership abilities, organizational skills, and other observable and predictable behaviors. The profile incorporates an overview of each individual’s strengths and areas for improvement and comes with a goal setting worksheet aimed at their personal improvement. Understand and identify the Dominant, Inspiring, Steady, and Conscientious personality styles.

TEAMS– Gain insight into the individual thinking styles and strengths and limitations of a group within a specific environment. Discover which of your group members are skilled at thinking like a Theorist, Executor, Analyst, Manager or Strategist.  A well-balanced team that places people in positions where they can utilize their strengths creates a more effective and less stressful work environment.

Values–  While DISC profiles determine what an individual’s needs-driven motivations are, the Values Profile identifies a person’s values-driven motivations. These are the deeply ingrained automatic responses to different scenarios. These values are Loyalty, Equality, Personal Freedom, and Justice.  These values based motivators are not necessarily something that a person will be aware of, but these are the internal values that a person is willing to fight for.

BAI–  The Behavioral Attitudes Index assess the hidden passions, interests, and motivations for a person within a setting. Behavioral attitudes correspond with the emotions and thinking processes that subconsciously shape every decision an individual makes. The BAI assesses which of the I-SPEAK behavioral attitudes are predominant. These align with if a person is willing to expend energy toward Inner Awareness/Spiritual, Economic/Tangible, Artistic/Innovative, Power/Political, Social/Humanitarian, and Knowledge/Proficiency endeavors.  When a person’s behavioral attitudes are aligned with their environment, their natural motivation, passion and interests are in harmony- creating contentment and longevity in a position.