Daphne Tan 

Programme Consultant

Passionate in raising the next generation of leaders, Daphne has an extensive experience in delivering powerful, transformative, and engaging leadership, character development, and youth development programmes.


Certified Advanced Behavioural Consultant (Institute of Motivational Learning (IML), USA)

> Certified Career Coach (IML, USA)

> Certified Stress Management Consultant (IML, USA)

> Certified Youth Worker

> Bachelor's Degree in Counselling

> Diploma in Interactive Media Design

About Daphne Tan

Daphne, the visionary behind Igniteus Consultancy, brings over 12 years of dedicated experience to the table, specializing in empowering individuals across diverse age groups. Armed with a Bachelor's Degree in Counselling and a Diploma in Interactive Media Design, she possesses a unique blend of creativity and empathy, allowing her to delve deep into the underlying causes of debilitating behaviors.

As a certified Youth Worker, Behavioral and Career Coach, and School Chaplain, Daphne is committed to nurturing every aspect of an individual's growth journey. Her multifaceted expertise enables her to tailor her guidance to the specific needs and aspirations of each client, ensuring a personalized and impactful experience.

During her tenure of 5 years teaching Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) within the Ministry of Education (MOE), Daphne pioneered dynamic methodologies that transcended conventional teaching paradigms. Through interactive lessons, immersive activities, and introspective journaling, she instilled core values within her students, fostering self-awareness, integrity, and compassion.

In essence, Daphne's unwavering dedication to igniting potential, fostering resilience, and nurturing purpose resonates deeply within every individual she encounters. Her legacy transcends consultancy; it embodies a transformative journey toward self-discovery, growth, and fulfilment.

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