Anxiety: Are you at risk?

LAST UPDATE ON June 28, 2023

With the increased in daily stressors brought about by the ever-changing & fast paced world,
how can we navigate through the jungle of uncertainty – in life and towards the future – and
strike a balance within our inner psyche to maintain a healthy mental-wellbeing? The answer
is simple: Resilience.

Resilience, as defined by the American Psychologist, is the process of adapting well in the face
of trauma, threats, tragedy, adversity, challenges, or other significant sources of stress. Also
known as the “mental reservoir of strength” that we are able to call on in times of need,
resilience not only involves “bouncing back” from these difficult experiences, but it also
involves profound personal growth. In short, the higher the resilience of an individual, the
better they are in managing and rebuilding their lives.

Speaking about resilience is an easy task. Living it, on the other hand, requires knowledge and
constant practice. Are we tough enough in our resiliency to go through challenging times?
With more people contracting and suffering from psychological distress, how can we assess if
someone is experiencing a mental health breakdown? What exactly are the tell-tale signs? Are
we equipped with the knowledge and skills to be a pillar of support for those suffering from
depressive disorders? Join our 2-day Resilience Coach Certification course happening on the
13th – 14th December 2021 to find out!

Let’s work towards a healthy mental well-being that could open the doors of hope, opportunity,
and optimism in life through this research based, perspective-changing, and therefore life-altering