Kris Ho
Client Relationship Manager

Kris has extensive experience in event management with MNCs like VISA International and Symantec. She was part of the inaugural management trainees when Takashimaya made its foray into Singapore in the 1980s, responsible for the Soft/Grand Opening of Ngee Ann City, events in Takashimaya Square and management of Takashimaya Gallery of world class exhibitions of artwork across all genres.

With her proficiency in Japanese language, she won many undergraduate scholarship exchanges between NUS and the universities in Japan. She lived in Japan for two years, as an exchange student for a year, followed by her contractual stint with VISA International Asia-Pacific.

She also helped establish and single-handedly ran a representative office for a Japanese publishing firm. She organised monthly opportunities for top Japanese corporate executives in Singapore to gather and exchange their expertise and experience, while updating them on the current affairs in Japan.

Kris is a strong advocate of walking the talk. Her forte is in carving genuine relationship with people and her exceptional relational skill often translates into clients being comfortable and trusting her. This has translated into her exceling in her role at Lifeskills Institute, with many clients complimenting her for her warmth, enthusiasm, and resourcefulness.

On a personal front, she is a firm believer in achieving wellness through hydrotherapy. She has a deep affection for cats and has rescued and helped rehome more than 40 cats over the past years. She is fondly referred to by her friends as the “Cat Woman” or the “Cat Whisperer”.
