Dr. Jeremy Gwee           Associate Trainer

Dr. Jeremy Gwee retired from an international banking career. 

His career spans 38 years in banking, audit, IT, and management consulting, with leading multinational companies, namely Maybank, Deutsche Bank, Ernst & Young, headstrong, IBM, and HSBC. He held senior leadership and C-suite roles for 25 years leading regional and global business operations for these companies. Now he trains and coaches the next generation of business leaders.  

He currently serves as Director, Principal Trainer, and Executive Coach at the Institute of Training and Occupational Learning (ITOL) for Asia and Australia.  

Jeremy holds a doctorate in transformational leadership, is trained in positive psychology, and specializes in evidence-based assessments methods in training and coaching business leaders. He is a Fellow at ITOL, an Associate Adult Educator with the IAL, an adjunct coach at the Institute of Banking and Finance and visiting lecturer, and an Honorary Fellow at the Edward Cadbury Centre for the Public Understanding of Religion, University of Birmingham, UK. Jeremy is also an adjunct coach with the Institute of Banking and Finance in Singapore.  
