Chai Lee Fong
Principal Consultant

Chai Lee Fong is an experienced coach and training consultant. She was the Regional Training Advisor of one of the largest insurance companies in this region. Besides training, she is also the co-counsellor of a local counselling centre.  

Prior to her appointment with the insurance company, she was the Business Development Manager of the Singapore Training and Development Association (STADA). One of her major projects subsidised by the International Enterprise (IE) Singapore was to oversee a Human Resource Development market research project in Shanghai. Her job included recruitment of trainers within Singapore, Malaysia, and China, providing HRD consultancy services to clients, and designing of training programmes.  

Being in the field of coaching, training, and development for over 20 years, she brings with her rich experiences and a wealth of knowledge in this critical area of human resources development. She has coached and trained many in effective selling skills, communication skills, positive thinking, personal effectiveness, interpersonal relationships, teambuilding, supervisory management, organisational effectiveness and leadership, presentation skills, grooming, and customer service programmes.  

Some of the clients she has served and trained are AIA Singapore, Bank of China, Bank of Singapore, Boehringer Ingelheim (Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore), Citibank, Crimson Logic, DHL ITS, Embraer Asia Pacific, Evonik (SEA), ExxonMobil, Great Eastern Financial Advisor (GEFA), Harley Davidson Singapore, HSBC, INSEAD, Ministry of Law (Singapore), National Computer System (NCS), NTUC Club, Outbound Singapore, Prudential Singapore, Singapore Police Force, Swarovski Singapore, Walton International Group (S), etc.  

Lee Fong is a certified Coach approved by International Coaching Federation (ICF), certified Outdoor Experiential Trainer by Singapore Training and Development Association (STADA), Certified Advance Behavioural, Career and People Development Consultant by Institute of Motivational Learning (IML), USA (using DISC and People Keys), certified Stress Management Consultant by IML, USA, The Leadership Challenge Certified Facilitator by Wiley, USA, Certified Extraordinary Leader, Extraordinary Coach and Leadership Lever Trainer by Zenger Folkman. She is also familiar with several other personality profiling and 360 leadership tool such as MBTI psychometric instrument, Gallup’s Strength Finder, Harrison Assessment, LPI (Leadership Practices Inventory). She is also certified by the Malaysian Insurance Institute (MII) for BAMC training, Registered Financial Planning Module 1 & Module 2.  

Besides graduating with a Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing with the University of Otago, New Zealand, she has also obtained a Master of Social Science in Counselling with the University of South Australia, Adelaide.  

As a grass root leader, she values loyalty and justice. As an authentic servant, she assumes a few roles in the community. With Individualisation being her number 1 strength, she has the innate ability to see the strengths in others and help them by fanning into flame the gifts in them! Her clients call her, gypsy fortune-teller! 
